3218 to 130
Do you know what kind of ratio is this number?
You may not know that the ration of solely operated patent firm to patent
firms with over ten patent attorneys in Japan is 3218 to 130. If you like,
please refer to the Japan patent attorney association data, April 2017.
It shows that most patent firms in Japan are solely(one patent attorney)
operated firm(about 70%). I believe that those who operate their own firm
have better knowledge and experiences rather than those who belong to big
conventional big patent firms in Japan.
Further, according to the JPO data, in 2015, the Japan patent office
accepted 25,998 applications from America, 21,078 applications from Europe,
2,531 applications from China.
Sad to say, most foreign applications were applied to JPO via big conventional
Japanese patent firms, whose fee are far more expensive than small good
patent firms in Japan. And it is kind of contradiction for me, because
most patent firms in Japan are solely operated firm.
Therefore, I strongly recommned that you should find a small good affordable
patent firm in Japan and keep in good terms with them. I think that will
lead to mutural benefits between foreign firms and Japanese good small
firms like us.
We may not be a big patent firm with many attorneys, but we can assure
you of high quality service with fairly affordable price. You can refer
to our schedule of charges. If you are interested in our firm, feel free
to contact us.
Best regards,
Noboru Minowada