Our features
- (1)We promise to offer you high quality services with less costs.
3218 to 130
Do you know what these numbers stand for? This is the ratio of solely operated patent firm to patent firms with over ten patent attorneys in Japan.This data shows that the number of solely patent firms is much larger than the number of large patent firms in Japan.Do you know the reason why? Personally, I think that our line of work highly depends on each patent attorney.
I have often heard that a large patent firm costs a lot and you may not be informed of who is in charge of each case.Our paten firm may be small, however, we offer you high quality services relating to intellectual property rights with fairly affordable price. If you are not satisfied with the price of current Japanese patent firms, or the English proficiency of current Japanese patent attorneys, and are looking for an experienced Japanese patent attorney with technological background, we believe that our firm will be your best option.
Furthermore, our patent attorney is willing to deal with cases from overseas probably more than any other patent attorneys in Japan. And I believe that this is very important when we recieve a job from a foreign customer. - (2)We have experience of various jobs relating to intellectual property rights
for over 17 years.
As for myself, I entered an electric company as an engineer right after graduating from graduate school, and started working at a patent firm and experienced in various applications for over 15 years. Then, I put up my own patent firm and have been in operation since March, 2016.
When I worked at a patent firm, I had experience of various jobs such as national patent applications, foreign patent applications, over 200 cases of the office actions for both domestic and foreign clients, trademark applications, industrial design applications, translations, and so on. To be more precise, I have written over 400 patent applications relating to Panasonic. I have experienced assisting Japanese patent prosecutions for foreign patent firms and clients.
Our strong technical fields are below.
・Mechanical engineering
・IT(information technology)
We have experience a lot in these fields, if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us when you need an intellectual property right in Japan. - (3)Our patent attorney is proficient in English.
We have often heard that some foreign clients feel stressed when asking a Japanese application to a Japanese patent firm, because of language barrier. Generall speaking, most patent attorneys in Japan cannot speak English fluently.
On the contrary, our patent attorney is proficient in English and speaks English fluently. With that said, you can convey your real intention and instructions directly to us correctly through the internet, phone, email, etc in English. We think that this ability is very important for our job, because a patent application is a legal document. We are not tolerant of miscommunication.
Based on this English skill, our firm can offer you high quality services at speed with affodable costs. - (4)We offer you a one-stop service with lesser costs.
It is so common in Japanese patent firms to have translators without any scientific backgrounds in translating patent documents. In this case, mistranslations and misunderstanding about inventions happen ocassional.
On the contrary, in our firm, a patent attorney, who has written over 400 patent applications, with scientific backgrouds will handle all procedures from translation to the OA so that we will be able to offer you a one-stop service.
Under the one-stop service, only our patent attorney in charge is required to deal with the case. Consequently,mistranslations and misunderstanding will be minimized.